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Zero Tolerance for Touting

The Division of Tourism, Culture and Transportation, in collaboration with the Division of Food Production, Forestry and Fisheries, has taken steps to ensure that touting at the Buccoo Reef Marine Park (BRMP) does not take place.

These Divisions of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) are working closely with the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS), the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard and the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force Reserves to effect the appropriate measures.

Chief Secretary and Secretary of Tourism, Culture and Transportation, the Honourable Ancil K. Dennis, stressed that touting in any form will not be tolerated.

“The current system in place where tour operators accept bookings from clients, through the various media they have in place, still stands.  But, persons without pre-bookings, who wish to visit the Marine Park through our facilities at Store Bay and Pigeon Point, must purchase tickets from the designated ticketing booths in those areas.  There will be a zero tolerance approach to anything else,” he said.

 Mr. Dennis gives the assurance that safety and order in the operations of the BRMP will be the order of the day.

“Our reef patrol officers will be on duty to ensure that boats do not go beyond their limit and patrons do not engage in activities that will expose them to COVID-19 or behave in a manner that may put their lives at risk,” he confirmed.  The Chief Secretary urged all citizens, tour operators and business owners to cooperate with the authorities so as to safeguard themselves and others during the busy Easter period.

Apart from tangible services being offered, Mr. Dennis highlighted the fact that locals and visitors alike are set to experience a higher level of customer service.

“I trust that there will be good and effective customer service as we have taken some actions over the last few months to improve this area, so we look forward to the support of our brothers and sisters in Trinidad and also those resident in Tobago as they move around the island,” he said.

Whether relaxing or frolicking in Tobago, everyone is reminded to observe the 3W’s – Wash/Sanitize hands often, Watch your distance from others and Wear a Mask.  These primary preventative and safety measures that constitute COVID-19 health protocols cannot be overemphasized.  Further, persons are encouraged to stay at home if feeling unwell and to call the COVID-19 Hotline toll-free at 800-HEAL (4325), if experiencing flu-like symptoms.