Secretary Gary Melville says that, “such a survey, in light of the dearth in statistics is important to the Assembly. The evidence generated becomes a valuable resource that would allow for greater analysis, forecasting and policy development on the issue of traffic and transportation management as well as land use changes.” The Secretary added that, “it would also guide investment decisions for Tobago’s public transportation system and infrastructure, given that increasing congestion can threaten the island’s economic growth and the productivity of businesses. Hence, the Assembly moves to reduce delays and unreliability through this survey mechanism and other initiatives.”
The survey, which runs for approximately three weeks asks of means of transportation; departure times; average travel time and distance to work; and of attitudes towards public transportation and incentive parking. The study focuses primarily on Scarborough’s geography given the concentration that emerges in peak times and the implications for employee productivity and commerce. In the long run, as the Assembly rolls out its set of strategies, it is envisioned that an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) would emerge to respond to transit-related, mobility, road safety and congestion challenges.
The Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities remains committed to ‘Building a Better Tobago’ and doing so expeditiously.