You Can Save Someone’s Life

Every human being has something in common. If you cut a person’s skin, they will bleed.
Blood remains a common denominator as it is vital to living beings. Your blood donation is needed at the Scarborough General Hospital, to help save lives, as well as build its blood bank. One pint of blood can be used to treat patients who lost blood due to trauma or those who are recovering from surgery. Blood can also be donated by both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.
Blood donation really can be a matter of life or death, as it provides doctors with the help that they need to treat patients. The act of donating blood also has altruistic benefits, as persons who give something so vital know that they’ve positively impacted the health of another person.
So, here are three blood donation tips to follow if you plan to give blood.
1.Drink adequate amounts of water.
Hydration makes it easier for medical staff to find your veins and prevents you from becoming light-headed after the blood is taken.
2. Eat well.
Don’t skip breakfast. This will help you tolerate giving blood better.
3. Avoid exercising after the process.
Don’t go to the gym after you donate blood as you can become dizzy from the movement.
Help save a life by giving this important life-source! Blood can be donated at the Blood Bank, Scarborough General Hospital. See flyer for contact details