Together, We Can Do So Much

More than 200 young leaders spent four days in Tobago during the seventh edition of the Caribbean Youth Leaders’ Summit (CYLS), themed ‘Adding Global Value-Taking Charge of Our Future’.
The Commonwealth declared 2023 the Year of the Youth as greater focus will be placed on the challenges facing children and young people.
Trinidad and Tobago’s CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Keigon Denoon, in the closing address, told attendees that they could be part of the solution in dealing with society’s problems.
“Are you going to be the individuals who break when things get difficult? Or are you the individuals who are going to put your minds together and ensure that you represent your country and represent all those who can’t represent themselves?” he asked.
The youth ambassador encouraged the progressively minded delegates to maintain their networks following the event.
“Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much,” he said.
Denoon told the delegates that their legacy should include “leaving a better society for the young people that come behind us.”
Held at Shaw Park Complex from January 12th to January 15th, the Summit was hosted by the Caribbean Regional Youth Council (CRYC) in partnership with the Tobago House of Assembly, the Commonwealth, the Tobago Youth Council, and the Trinidad Youth Council.