The Green Key – Opening Doors To Sustainability

The Green Key is an international eco-label awarded to leisure organisations including hotels, which represents excellence in environmental responsibility and sustainable operations within the tourism sector.
Receiving a Green Key represents a commitment that one’s tourism establishment will follow the criteria set by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). To obtain a Green Key label, a business must meet a set of environmental requirements inclusive of limiting the production of waste materials and educating staff about sustainable practices.
In Tobago, the Green Key programme is run through a joint partnership implemented by Green T&T and the Tobago Tourism Agency Limited (TTAL).
Bananaquit and Shepherd’s Inn, both properties located in the village of Crown Point, recently received the Green Key, an indication that the businesses are dedicated to sustainable tourism practices.
The certification was awarded by the Green Key National Jury of Trinidad and Tobago on April 29th, making the two properties the only Green Key certified sites in the English-speaking Caribbean.
In addition, by receiving the Green Key, both properties have sent a strong signal to environmentally-conscious guests who prefer to stay at locations that make a difference on the environment. The maintenance of the required environmental standards is recorded through documentation, as well as auditing.
There are over 3200 Green Key sites globally. In July 2020, TTAL and Green T&T partnered to officially launch the Tobago Green Key programme.