School Term Begins

The new school term began virtually today and Secretary of Education, Innovation and Energy, Marslyn Melville-Jack, said Tobago’s schools continue to be guided by the decision of the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
The Secretary added that there will most likely be consultations before the next step is taken.
“We intend to bring 4th to 6th formers out at some point in time during this term but the hybrid and matriculations, as far as how these will work, are still to be determined. And, when we have done that, an announcement will be made by the Ministry of Education as to the way forward,” she said.
Melville-Jack said she understood the importance of face-to-face interaction for the development of students and indicated that preparations are underway to get the physical infrastructure within schools ready.
The Education Secretary, who was a recent guest on Tobago Channel 5, confirmed that eight curriculum officers are now on stream within the Division.
“These curriculum officers are available to assist teachers at every level of the education sector with curriculum and ensuring that they do the diagnostic testing that is required,” she said.
Melville-Jack also encouraged persons to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
“The vaccination issue is critical. I want to encourage parents and all stakeholders in education to ensure that they, and our students, are vaccinated. Vaccination is nothing new to us and faith dictates that we believe in the health professionals. This is going to add a second layer of protection for our students,” she said.
In preparing for this new school term, Melville-Jack said teachers received additional training to get ready for their charges.