Make Reading a Jolly Experience

Reading is FUN-damental.
Despite today’s technologically driven world, online advancements stem from a base of literate societies. The ability to read well not only benefits the individual, but society at large, as reading fosters one’s understanding of the wider world.
On Thursday (January 26th), four teachers from the Mason Hall Government Primary School took 20 students from the Infant I class on a field trip to the Scarborough Library to explore the world of books.
“Our students have been learning from the Jolly Phonics programme. They’ve been reading fast and are eager to identify new words. So we came to the library today to introduce them to more books. We want to encourage their enjoyment of reading,” Infant I teacher Arlene Scott said.
Scott said that the teachers also organised the field trip to introduce the students to research and to encourage them to read physical books, and not only books via devices.
The Scarborough Library has been a key source of literacy development and promotion on the island. Prior to the pandemic, the space has been used to facilitate adult literacy programmes. And recently, the Wednesday story time sessions for children resumed. These sessions take place weekly. The library also offers programmes during school breaks.