Department Of Labour’s Outreach

The working class spend a large portion of their time during the week on the job. This is why it’s important that employees are aware of their workplace rights.
Workers’ rights involve both human rights, from freedom of association to protection against discrimination, to specific rights relevant to the workplace inclusive of health and safety protocols, to understanding what your entitlements are under the law, such as sick leave and vacation leave.
The Department of Labour, which falls under the purview of the Office of the Chief Secretary, is tasked with the responsibility of sensitizing Tobago’s residents on relevant workplace issues. This month, the Labour Outreach Caravan 2023 was launched with the mission of empowering a productive workforce on our island. The first stop was at the Penny Savers Supermarket in Canaan.
“The purpose of the Caravan is to educate, inform and sensitise the Tobago community about labour-related issues, and the laws and legislations; promote the Department of Labour as an employment hub/liaison; and to help facilitate the development of life skills in areas
within the scope of labour and manpower development,” Manpower and Labour Relations Director Elon Mayo said.
During the caravan, individuals can bring their resume and participate in the registration of persons seeking employment. The Labour Outreach Caravan will visit several communities throughout Tobago until November 2023.
The next stop will be at the Port Mall, Scarborough (9:30am-12:00pm) and Gulf City Mall, Lowlands (2:00pm-5:00pm) on February 17th, 2023.