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Refurbishment of Old Building, Licencing Department

The Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities has aggressively pursued a Comprehensive Rehabilitation Plan for the Old Building at the Licencing Department; a decision, which was approved and shared with respective parties approximately two weeks prior to the closure of the Office.

Works commenced on 24th July and is expected to be completed by Friday 7th August, 2015 to allow for the full resumption in services thereafter. In the interim, both the administration and staff have committed to offer limited service between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. from today, Monday 3rd August 2015.

Secretary of Infrastructure and Public Utilities, Gary Melville said that “Notwithstanding the significant financial constraints, the safety and comfort of employees, and further sustaining service quality to the public are top priorities for the Division, and as such, we have made an exception, and have move forward as a matter of urgency.”

A subsequent release on the official date of resumption of full service would be issued.