London said he was awaiting Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s expected statement on measures to deal with the economy given fallen oil prices today (8 January 2014), as well as the statements and actions of Minister of Finance and the Economy Larry Howai following the Prime Minister’s speech.
The statements would inform the THA’s subsequent action. “It is based on what we’ll be able to make specific adjustments and to be more specific in our responses,” London said, adding that the country could not be naïve or insensitive. “We must accept the fact that the situation in Tobago in 2015 is obviously not going to be identical to what it was in 2014.”
Next week Thursday, THA representatives inclusive of Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and Administrators, will attend a two-day retreat at the Tobago Hospitality and Tourism Institute.
“During that retreat we will be analyzing the impact of whatsoever changes have to be made on the Divisions, on the communities, on the electoral districts, and making the necessary adjustments,” London said during Wednesday’s Post Executive Council media briefing.
“We know that some hard decisions would have to be made. We know we have a responsibility to manage the affairs of Tobago in a manner that will bring minimal pain. What we’re asking for is an understanding and a recognition that times have changed, and as times change adjustments would have to be made.”
London said Tobago’s resources would be utilized in the best possible manner to continue development and allow the future of Tobago to continue on a positive path.
Following the retreat, London said the THA would “be in a position to give a more detailed and relevant response to the situation and to what Tobago’s position is.”
Secretary of the Division of Finance and Enterprise Development Joel Jack will hold a press briefing after the meeting.