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Safety First For Christmas

It’s the season that’s focused on connections. Nation-wide, spending time with family and friends is what Christmas time is about, but we also deal with more distractions than usual.

Here are a few safety rules to follow to ensure that you and your loved ones are safe during the celebrations.

Inspect electrical decorations for damage before use and do not overload electrical outlets. Never connect more than three strings of incandescent lights and keep combustibles at least three feet from heat sources.

The Occupational Safety and Health Department also shared a few Christmas safety tips with regards to a signature Christmas piece: the tree. Christmas lights should only be used indoors (and outdoor lights only outdoors) in order to avoid electric shock and fire hazards; always turn off all Christmas lights and decorations before going to bed or leaving the house; and always unplug lights before changing bulbs, replacing fuses, or making any other repairs.