Chief among them is the construction of a tunnel under Wilson Road and a roundabout above it at its intersection with the Claude Noel Highway. It is also going to recommend that Wilson Road be one way into Scarborough.
Secretary of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Assemblyman Hilton Sandy in disclosing this at Wednesday’s weekly post Executive Council media briefing said these recommendations still have to go to the Executive Council for approval. He said the technical people agreed that because of the structure of Wilson Road the 16 feet need for overhead space in the tunnel would be met.
Sandy reported that he and his senior staff recently had a cordial and fruitful meeting with Minister of Works Chandresh Sharma. He said they discussed a number of issues including the airport, port, PTSC service and the licensing department. During the meeting a recommendation was made that motorists take a vision test when renewing their driving permits since most of the road accidents were caused by poor vision.
The Secretary was also high in praise of the address delivered by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar during the UN General Assembly debate on governance and the economy in New York on April 15.
Sandy said he hoped on her return home the Prime Minister would “put into effect what she had said about large and small states” and her “dream” of equality of all nations to be made reality.
He said the Assembly was awaiting the release of 12 special reserve police officers to assist it in its fight against illegal vending in and around Scarborough. He added that it was going to crack down on the illegal use of the road reserve and remove illegal billboards as well as illegal entrances along the Claude Noel Highway.