Chief Secretary Orville London proposed the resolution under section 22 (1) of the THA Act to dissolve the House. Under section 22(2) “the President, after consultation with the Prime Minister and the Chief Secretary, shall fix the date of a primary election, which date shall not be earlier than the expiration of two months after the dissolution of the Assembly nor later than the expiration of three months after that dissolution”.
In moving the Motion Chief Secretary London said he would be recommending a date for the election to the President and when that date was transmitted to the Prime Minister he hoped that as was the practice in the past it would be accepted.
London paid special recognition to the contribution of the Presiding Officer Ann Mitchell-Gift for the firm but sensitive manner in which she conducted the business of the House during the four-year session.
He also expressed thanks to the Assembly staff for their efficiency and dedication especially during the longer sittings. London also thanked members of the media for the coverage of proceedings of the House.
Noting that many members will not be returning to the House “some by their own choice and others through the choice of the electorate”, London stressed that although the upcoming campaign was likely to be the most intense in the politics of Tobago “our platform behaviour should not descend to the level as was evident at some political meetings in recent weeks.
He also pledged that he and his team would ensure that they continue to adhere to acceptable standard of behaviour on the political hustings.
The last Assembly was also dissolved at the October sitting in 2008 and the elections held on January 19 2009. The Majority People’s National Movement (PNM) won eight of the 12 seats and the Minority Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) the other four seats.