DIPU Secretary Gary Melville revealed the Division will spend an estimated $86 million to resurface roads throughout Tobago.
Said Melville: “This is our annual paving programme, which we normally try to implement during the dry season. And it’s really about trying to ensure that we maintain the quality of our road network so we can provide safe travel and a good, steady movement of traffic.”
Three private contractors: Seereeram Brothers, Trinidad Contractors and Warner Construction, will work alongside DIPU’s in-house teams on the various projects.
“We have a list of at least 68 roads,” Melville explained. “Some of these include John Dial to Studley Park Junction on the Windward Road, Store Bay Trace at Mt. St. George, and a number of roads in Goodwood.”
Melville said a section of the Claude Noel Highway from the Rockly Vale intersection to the Orange Hill intersection will also come in for an upgrade, as well as sections from Spring Garden Trace to Plymouth Road, and on Main Street, upper Scarborough.
“We want to appeal to the Tobago public to bear with us through those road works,” he said.
While the Division cannot fix all roads at the same time, Melville explained, DIPU will attend to reports of poor road conditions once resources are available.