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An Early Start on Business

The 2019 edition of the Financial Literacy Secretariat Youth Biz Summer Camp recently ended. Hosted by the Division of Finance and the Economy, the camp was geared to youths, ages 12 to 17, and provided them with financial literacy fundamentals.

In addition, participants learned about designing websites, how to use social media, and the fundamentals of Microsoft Office. The two-week camp concluded with eight groups of 10 students delivering their presentations to a panel.

“Each group had to come up with a business plan, come up with a cash flow plan, and explain how they would advertise their business,” lead facilitator and Business Consultant Adanna Austin said.

Austin emphasised that learning about business, outside of traditional education, was important for future leaders.

”As a business consultant, I believe that educating the youth is where we should start. The earlier they learn about entrepreneurship, the easier it will be when they leave school to start a business because they will already have had a foundation,” added Austin.

The camp ran from August 5 to 16 with a graduation ceremony on August 19.