Learn How to Save And Invest Money
In our efforts to pay bills and meet other expenses, it’s easy to lose track of our spending. But just as we seek shelter on a rainy day, we also have to ensure we’re covered financially when unexpected circumstances arise.
Here’s where saving money comes in, as it can help provide financial security, and safeguards you during a financial emergency. Investing, on the other hand, is an effective way to put your money to work for you and earn additional income.
Both saving money and making investments can relieve stress about one’s financial future. This is why the Consumer Affairs Unit will host ‘Saving and Investment,’ the final webinar in its Keep Alert! Consumer Reset series on Thursday (September 22nd) from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
The webinar will be hosted by Mr. Jerome Chambers, Co-operative Development Coordinator within the Office of the Commissioner of Co-operatives.
“The purpose of the webinars is to give consumers information that will empower them as they go about their transactions in the various marketplaces. Our webinars are providing consumers with [resources] and tools, which can assist them in managing financial challenges,” Manager at the Consumer Affairs Unit Langdon Phillips said.
The unit hosted this consumer-focused, educational series as part of its mandate “to
provide consumers with appropriate information, to influence responsible consumer behaviours, leading to a more enriched standard of living,” he added.
Interested persons can register for the webinar by contacting the Consumer Affairs Unit at 639-6556. The session will also be available live on the Division of Finance, Trade and the Economy’s Facebook page.