The fully air-conditioned building was commissioned on Friday by Chief Secretary Orville London and Secretary of Community Development and Culture Tracy Davidson-Celestine. It includes an auditorium to seat 300 persons, a computer room with 14 work stations, an audio visual room, teacher’s kitchen, a workshop, sound and lighting room, administrative office, washrooms with toilets and baths that cater for the differently able and a basement.
Davidson-Celestine said the facility had been constructed in accordance with existing building codes and statutory regulations. “The Speyside community now has the opportunity and the tools to better participate in their own development by availing themselves of the services provided in comfort,” she added.
Davidson-Celestine said the facility must no longer be seen as a mere meeting place but as centres of social integration and cultural expression, a place for empowering oneself, empowering a community and even empowering a nation. “It must be a place where individuals and groups can effect change in their lives and in their communities,” she said.
Chief Secretary London said he felt good about the building, adding that “when we deliver to the people of Tobago we deliver class. This is what this administration is all about”.
London said while similar facilities were being provided at a cost of between $2M and $3M the Assembly had constructed a building at a cost of $9M and this was an Assembly Christmas gift to them. He also urged the villagers to make full use of the facility.