Wear Your Mask at Work!

COVID-19 is still very present in Trinidad and Tobago so persons are urged to be vigilant. This includes following public health guidelines and ensuring that those around us do too. The protocols can be summarized by 3W’s: Wash hands often! Watch your distance! Wear a Mask!
In her report at this week’s Ministry of Health Media Conference, Dr. Jeanine St. Bernard, County Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) – County Caroni, cited the workplace as a major area of concern.
“Contact tracing research has revealed that because people feel comfortable among their colleagues, they remove their mask upon arrival, then work together, and only put it on again when they are leaving. This is a dangerous practice.
“This is happening in both the public and private sector. We treat our colleagues as household members, perhaps because we work with them every day, so that is something we need to be careful with,” said Dr. St. Bernard.
Secretary of Health, Wellness and Family Development, Tracy Davidson-Celestine, echoed her concerns. She said the country is doing very well but it doesn’t mean that we have to become complacent.
“Our current downward trend in cases may lull us into a level of complacency as to how and when we wear our mask. The virus is invisible and we must behave as if everyone around us is COVID positive, even those we see all the time, like colleagues. Our mask and the vaccine are the most important weapons in this war. We cannot let our guard down. Suit up at all times, especially at work,” said Mrs. Davidson-Celestine.
Another area of concern expressed by Dr. St. Bernard is gatherings, in particular parties and functions, where persons don’t watch their distance or wear a mask. She emphasized that these two W’s work together so that wearing a mask does not mean no distancing.
So, don’t let them ask, “Where your mask?” Wear your mask!