The new school term began today (September 2, 2019) for the island’s children. At the weekly post Executive Council media briefing, THA Chief Secretary and Secretary of the Division of Education, Innovation and Energy, Hon. Kelvin Charles, underscored the Assembly’s desire to have a robust educational system.
“It is vital that we pay attention to this sector. We need to place greater emphasis on values at the pre and primary school levels. Current challenges in the education system are due to an erosion of traditional values,” he said.
“We need to begin to teach the whole concept of patriotism in our schools. You know we talk about the system in the United States, [it] teaches one to be an American. And one has to ask the question, does our system in Trinidad and Tobago teach us really to be patriotic and loyal to Trinidad and Tobago?” Charles asked.
Earlier today, Charles visited the Pentecostal Light and Life Secondary School and Scarborough R.C. Primary.