
A Tobago that has a diversified, self-sustaining and an environmentally sensitive and responsive economy that is managed by a healthy and well educated workforce in a devolved governance structure that empowers and enables civil society and provides residents with the physical and social wherewithal for self-actualisation.

The Comprehensive Economic Development Plan (CEDP) 2.0 is the policy document that focuses on sustainable development in Tobago and is the second socio-economic plan that has been prepared for Tobago and its residents.

The Goal of the CEDP 2.0 is to transform and diversify the Tobago economy such that it is better able to adjust to rapid changes in the national and international economies by producing products and services in which it can retain a competitive edge.

The plan spans from 2013 to 2017 and was established in December, 2013 by Executive Council.

CEDP 2.0 consists of the eight (8) strategic priority areas:

Who we are

The CEDP Secretariat is charged with the mandate of playing the lead role in the coordination and oversight of the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Plan (CEDP) 2.0.

Roles and Functions of CEDP Secretariat

  1. Preparation of an operational plan for CEDP 2.0 (Completed)
  2. Initiating the process of expanding each Strategic Priority Area into specific projects, by working with the Division of Planning and other agencies to do so.
  3. Disseminating and maintaining a flow of information to stakeholders and the public.
  4. Liaising with Divisions to ensure that there is a task force established at all Divisions, a Strategic Plan and a point person to champion the mandate of CEDP 2.0 within the Divisions.

The following is the full complement of staff at the Secretariat:

Dr. Elton Bobb, Coordinator

Ms. Cheryl Sandy- Project Management Specialist

Ms. Shelly Dolabaille- Senior Corporate Communications Officer

Ms. Adelle Wheeler- Business Operations Coordinator

Mr. Jhavon Murphy- Business Operations Assistant

Mr. Rohan Sandy- Driver

Ms. Venetia Jordan- OJT