He noted in a statement that the PP Government had not only claimed credit in its Friday publication for the Buccoo Integrated Facility which the Minister of Tobago Development Dr Delmon Baker had described as a “goat pen” but also took credit for the construction of the Buccoo Community Centre, the Pembroke Heritage Park and the Glen Road Community Centre, which were all projects of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA).
London said he also did not understand its claim of construction of the Scarborough RC School and the Scarborough Methodist School when everyone in Tobago knew that the Scarborough Methodist School was constructed more than ten years ago while construction has not yet started on the Scarborough RC School.
The Chief Secretary said the claim of initiating the construction of a temporary prison in Tobago was also misleading since that project was still in the discussion stage.
Further London said, the PP Government’s claim that it had revisited the provisions of the THA Act particularly the fifth schedule with a view to granting the people of Tobago greater autonomy and responsibility over matters that affect Tobago was more than puzzling since it had dropped the issue of self governance for Tobago after it was given a sound trashing in the Assembly election in January.
London said the validity of some of the claims it made about achievements in Trinidad may also be questionable.
He said he hoped the leadership of the PP Government and their TOP colleagues in Tobago would make the necessary corrections so as to prevent further erosion of their credibility.