Where Is Your Money?
Today marks World Consumer Rights Day, which is celebrated every year on March 15th with an aim to raise awareness about consumer rights and needs.
As products and services are bought and sold every day, it is important that consumers are aware of their rights. This helps protect the consumer against market abuses.
The 2022 theme for World Consumer Rights Day is ‘Fair Digital Finance.’
Digital finance is becoming more global as it advances. It is the distribution of traditional financial services through digital devices including smartphones, tablets, and computers. Though this makes room for new opportunities, it also presents new risks for consumers. In addition, it increases the possibility of the most vulnerable being left behind.
The Division of Finance, Trade, and the Economy’s Consumer Affairs Unit will be hosting the educational webinar, ‘Click! Where is Your Money?’ today (March 15th) in recognition of World Consumer Rights Day.
“Globally, with the pandemic, people are avoiding face-to-face contact and are more reliant on digital services and making payments online. The world is moving away from in-person and embracing the digital era. But there are risks, so it’s important that people learn more about what is available and how to utilise digital services. And if something should go wrong, they’ll also know how to go about addressing it,” Manager of the Consumer Affairs Unit Langdon Phillips said.
Among the speakers will be Mr. Mark Cape of the Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago. Participants will learn about scam and digital finance protection; indicators of fairness and safety; data protection laws and regulations; and the compliant authority of digital financing.
You can register to learn more about fair digital finance by visiting the Division of Finance, Trade and the Economy’s Facebook page and clicking the event link.