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Mt. Irvine Beach Facility Renovated

The Mt. Irvine Beach Facility was commissioned last Tuesday (February 12) following renovations at the location.

This is part of efforts to upgrade some of the island’s tourist sites and attractions.

Secretary of Tourism, Culture and Transportation, Nadine Stewart-Phillips, attended the commissioning ceremony. She said refurbishment of the facility —which includes a complete overall of the restrooms—is a strategic step in a bigger plan to enhance Tobago’s tourism product.

“This plan includes an ongoing island-wide signage project,” Stewart-Phillips explained, “the roll out of a Community Tourism Awareness Programme, continued development of our Festivals and cultural practitioners and sustained strategic collaborations with all stakeholders.”

The Secretary commended the contractors on a job well done, and noted that the refurbished area is a space that is now more inviting to potential visitors.

Secretary Stewart-Phillips urged users to treat the facilities care and respect, saying the renovations are an investment made on behalf of Tobago residents.