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Positive Parenting

Encouraging parents to “do better” was the aim of a Parenting and Co-Parenting workshop put on by the Children and Family Services Unit (CFSU) of the Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development.

“Our hope is to shape better children and parents, build stronger families and a stronger society,” said Secretary of the Division, Councillor Dr. Agatha Carrington, at the opening ceremony of the workshop, which was held on August 15th at the Scarborough Library.

The workshop’s objective was to equip parents with the knowledge, skills and techniques required to raise children who will go on to become positive and productive members of society.

“Our expectation is that you will embrace the information, use it and make the changes we expect to see in our children and parents,” the Secretary said. The workshop “is one [that looks primarily] at prevention of those negative behaviours we have started seeing in our children and parents”.

Dr. Carrington told attendees that, despite previous mistakes, they had an opportunity to make the necessary changes and do better, following the implementation of information learned at the workshop.

The Division continues to work toward building better families to further the development of Tobago. This sentiment was expressed by Administrator of the Division, Dianne Baker-Henry, who said, “You are fortunate to be exposed to strategies and techniques to help be better parents, to positively shape our 21st Century children. The children we train today are the ones who will be caring for us tomorrow.”

The Unit provides comprehensive support to strengthen families as they strive to cope with challenges that may arise, and additional workshops are being planned.

To access support, persons can contact the Unit at 639-3395; Ext. 47211 – 47213.