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Critical Study

The global statistics surrounding breast cancer are alarming enough to make anyone stop and pay attention.

It is an issue health authorities in Tobago are tackling head on in a bid to reduce the number of new cancer cases appearing on the island.

“Breast Cancer is the most common type of cancer amongst women worldwide and it is the second most common cancer overall with 1.7 million new cases of breast cancer patients diagnosed in the world (in 2012),” Health Secretary Dr. Agatha Carrington said on Monday (December 10), as the island launched the Breast Cancer Research Project.

The title of the study, which will take place over the next 18 months, is “Molecular Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in Tobago – Identifying Challenges and Opportunities”.

The Secretary added: “[It is estimated] that in 2018, there will be 260,000 new cases of breast cancer in women and more than 2,500 cases in men [in the U.S. alone]. We want to partner with others who are in the business of cancer care, cancer identification and cancer support.”

The information gained will inform how the disease is managed on the island.