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CEDP Secretariat Issues Green Office Week Challenge

The Comprehensive Economic Development Plan (CEDP) Secretariat, is issuing a friendly challenge to all Divisions of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) to join us in celebrating “Green Office Week” and is awarding a challenge trophy to the winning Division.

This is part of the CEDP Secretariat’s commitment to implement Clean, Green, Safe and Serene initiatives at its Office and to encourage the Divisions of THA to do the same. The Green Office Week challenge is set to take place from Monday 20th to Friday 24th July, 2015 and each day of the week will be dedicated to environmental conservation. Participating Divisions will be advised to follow this schedule:

  • ·Energy Reduction Monday (Staff will employ energy reduction methods) (10 points)
  • Transport Tuesday (Car pool) (25 points)
  • Waste Wednesday (Reduce, reuse and recycle) (20 points)
  • No Print Thursday (No photocopying or printing) (15 points)
  • Innovation Friday (Staff will use their creativity to implement conservation methods) (30) points

The winner will be announced the following week and the prize is the coveted challenge trophy and bragging rights for the year.

The Division’s acceptance of the challenge and the names and contact information for team members must be sent to the CEDP Secretariat by Monday 22nd June, 2015.

Contact the CEDP Secretariat at 635-2165 ext. 23 or for more information.

Click here to visit CEDP’s webpage.