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Budget Presentation for Fiscal 2020

The Tobago House of Assembly’s budget request is $4.72 billion for fiscal 2020. This includes $3.26 billion for recurrent expenditure and $1.45 billion for the Development Programme.

According to Finance Secretary, Joel Jack, the Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development has the largest allocation of $778.3 million.

Other allocations outlined included: Education Innovation and Energy $512 million, Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour $124.6 million and Infrastructure, Quarries and the Environment $524.7 million. The Assembly is also requesting $73.3 million for the Unemployment Relief Programme (URP) and $39.2 million for C.E.P.E.P.

“The Executive Council has approved the utilisation of alternative financing mechanisms such as the issuance of a bond and the implementation of a Public Private Partnership modality to accelerate the island’s development momentum,” Jack said.

The Finance Secretary indicated that the Assembly will continue to collaborate with Central Government on several major projects, which include the expansion and upgrade of the ANR Robinson International Airport, construction of the Roxborough Police Station and refurbishment of Dwight Yorke Stadium.

Download the Tobago House of Assembly’s Budget Statement for Fiscal 2020